Thank You for Your Interest in TMatch

If you would like to discuss a prospective project of yours to create a matching system for clients and therapists, either as a business or research project, please read the following before emailing me.

I would be very interested to help you with this project, at no charge, since I’m retired. However, I want to stress that my elaborate matching system is a proof of concept only—not a finished product or active business.

TMatch was a preliminary test of whether the matching criteria I used could be incorporated into a matching system. Despite the potential of my “matching criteria” concept, and the relative success of the small study I conducted, there isn’t any definitive research to prove any particular criterion works well for matching clients to therapists. All there are at this point are various hypotheses. I keep telling people who send me inquiries that to do this well, you would have to incorporate continuing research into the efficacy of your system, going through however many iterations it takes to get a valid and reliable matching program. In addition to making improvements to the matching criteria, another crucial area in need of development/research/testing is therapist assessment, both ways to better assess their methods and emphases, and to solicit client feedback.

If you are still interested in contacting me after reading the above, please click the link below to email me.

I've read this page. Email Kenneth Frankel, Ph.D.